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Vegan Chocolate Cake

Whether you're vegan or not, this cake tastes incredible - by far the best vegan chocolate cake recipe we've tried!

Best Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe

This is a double layer cake and will require 2 x 20cm/7inch round tins

Ingredients for cake mix:

2tbsp of lemon juice

600ml soya milk

550g of self raising flour

50g of cacao powder

2tsp of bicarbonate of soda

350g of caster sugar

300g of vegan spread

6tbsp of golden syrup

Ingredients for icing:

150g of vegan spread

400g of icing sugar

50g of cacao powder

4tbsp of water



Pre-heat oven to 160*c/Gas mark 3

1. Add the lemon juice to the soya milk and leave to one side

2. Sieve the flour with the cacao podwer into a bowl with the bicarb and sugar

3. Put the vegan spread, milk and golden syrup into a pan and melt over a low heat

4. Once the vegan spread, milk and golden syrup have all melted add it to the dry mixture and fold together.

5. Pour the mix into 2 x 20cm/7inch lined cake tins (ensure you grease the tin with the vegan spread and not butter) and bake at 160*c/Gas mark 3 for 40mins in the middle of the oven.

6. Use a skewer to check the centre of the cake is baked before removing from the oven 

7. For the icing, combine all the ingredients and add the water bit by bit till you get the consistency you require but ensure the cake is fully cooled before icing your cake 

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