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Events April 2016

Saturday 9 April until 8:30pm
Saturday Late Opening
From 9 April we will be open every Saturday evening with an exciting new menu, which can be viewed on our website and a free glass of wine for everyone joining us on our first night. A perfect way of ensuring you don't start your Saturday night entertainment with an empty stomach.

Friday 29 April, 6-8pm
We’d like to talk to you about Cheese-us!
Why not join us as we are educated and entertained by the experts and connoisseurs of Doddington Dairy, who have specialised in supplying Artisan cheeses since the 1990s.
What could be finer than sipping a glass or two of carefully chosen wine whilst sampling a selection of our wonderful cheeses?
Learn about how your favourite cheese is made, and what are the most delightful accompaniments.
You may even learn something amazing, such as this pearl of wisdom from Mark E Smith.
“Blue Cheese contains natural amphetamines, why are students not informed about this?”

Please be aware that there are a limited number of spaces available, so don't hesitate to book yours at only £15 per head.

To join us simply email us on info@corbridgelarder.co.uk
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