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Events in March 2016

Sunday 6 March, 2-4pm

Celebrate Mothers Day with Afternoon Tea
What better way to spoil that special lady in your life than to treat her to one of our delicious Afternoon Teas. A three tiered cake stand, groaning under the weight of sandwiches, tartlets, scones and cakes; accompanied by a wide choice of fine leaf teas & locally roasted coffees, all served in never ending cups.

Bookings should be made in advance to ensure we can have everything perfect for your arrival. £15 per person (£20 with Prosecco)

Sunday 20 March, 2-4pm

Easter Egg Decorating Competition
Parents, make life easy for yourself this easter, join us as we have fun decorating eggs. We will supply everything you need, eggs, paints, materials. You can relax in the knowledge that your kids can make as much mess as they like and leave us to clean it all up. Prizes will awarded for the best eggs with all eggs displayed in our windows over the following week! Kids of all ages welcome.

Children should be accompanied by an adult. £3.50 per entry

To join us at either of these events simply email us on info@corbridgelarder.co.uk
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