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Events in January 2016

Thursday 14 of January, 6-8pm

Join us as we put our lives into SloeMotion

We are all familiar with the January blues, the pleasures of the festive season are over and the reality of our fast paced lives is again kicking in. Why not join us as we ‘sloe’ things down at the Corbridge Larder and rekindled a little of that Christmas spirit with an exclusive tasting experience from the award winning team from SloeMotion.
Enjoy the tastes and learn about how this fascinating artisan company have revived many forgotten countryside techniques to produce an amazing range of flavoured spirits and chocolates using hedgerow fruits.
Our chefs will be providing an amazing main course showing us how we can use these beautiful flavours within our own cooking followed by coffee and sloe chocolates.

Please be aware that there are a limited number of spaces available, so don't hesitate to book yours at only £10 per head.

Wednesday 27 January, 6-8pm

Test your foodie knowledge at our quiz night

Put together a team and compete for some delicious prizes at our foodie quiz night.
Our chiefs will ensure that you don't go hungry by supplying a two course menu for the occasion all for only £10 per head.

To join us at either of these events simply email us on info@corbridgelarder.co.uk
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